6 Reasons Why I Drink Broth & Stock

My birthday is coming up next month. Another year older! The other day I was walking by the mirror and glanced at myself, and I noticed I looked older! In my mind, I still look 16 years old!

Another year older! I have to confess that I enjoy being this old and having more wisdom than I did at 16 but every once in a while I feel the stiff joints and dry skin, and experience nights where I can't sleep through the night and forget something because I didn't write it down, and I recriminate myself for not having introduced bone stock and broth sooner in my adult life.

Over a year ago, I started trying to drink a cup of broth/stock a day and almost immediately, I started seeing changes in my body. I felt better. Slept better. And some say I looked better too :D


Here are six reasons why I drink broth and stock:

1. Heal and seal your gut

According to many holistic nutritionists, a cup of day works miracles for leaky gut syndrome and also good for non-leaky guts. The gelatin in the bone broth/stock helps seal up the holes in intestines, which helps cure chronic diarrhea, constipation, and even some food intolerances.

2. Gelatin for joint health

Bone broth/stock contains glucosamine and other goodies which helps with joint pain, and helps prevent osteoarthritis.

3. Aids digestion

Another benefit of gelatin is that it'll help your system digest more efficiently, especially milk. Who doesn't need a little help digesting everything these days?

4. Look younger & stronger nails and hair

Bone broth/stock is rich source of collagen, which will improve the elasticity of your skin. Collagen will make you look younger, as well as make your nails stronger and your hair look radiant.

5. Immune support

With the high concentration of minerals, added with the bone marrow, broth/stock can help strengthen your immune system. Remember how your grandmother always made you chicken soup with you got sick?

 6. Stress & cancer fighter, memory and sleep

The gelatin in the bone broth/stock can promote sleep, improves memory and learning behavior, and can help your body battle the effect of stress and cancerous tumor growth.

Now, I always have stock/broth available to drink and add into my cooking. It's become a fixed stock item in our fridge.

On June 3rd, we'll holding another stock and broth class at the ranch. Come see how to make it, taste it, and take home a few jars for your use. Incorporate it into your daily food intake and see how your body will appreciate this liquid gold!

If you have any questions, please email me or text me. You can register for the class by clicking here.

We would love to have you at the ranch and spend the afternoon learning how to cook and use stocks and broths!

NOTE: The photo of me above was taken at my old ranch, with the old logo!